Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Remlinger Farm Trip 2015 (alternate title: Miles Looks Pissed*)

I feel like we've been to Remlinger Farms 2015 times. Here are some previous trips, 2014, 2012, and 2011.  
Miles "driving" the train.
This trip was extra special because Nolan's buddy Corbin tagged along. 

Corn Rocket in Flight!

A canoe fit for 3. 
Patiently waiting for the train to get moving and watching the Donkeys get brushed.

The boys all insisted on sitting on my side of the bench even though we had the train car to ourselves. :)
Back on the corn rocket.
All alone this time around.
We always missed this part in previous visits so the boys were all over the hay jump and maze. 

This ride was so much fun! Miles and I were in the Pumpkin behind these two and I was giggling like a crazy woman. There were zero lines the entire day so the ride operators just let us keep going and going and going. We were all a little dizzy once this one finally came to a stop. 
While the big boys were on a big boy ride Miles got the horse carousel all to himself. He went around at least 50 times. He started out a bit...unsure.

Getting warmer,


Is that a smile?

Yep, there it is, horse bliss. 

The bigs joined us for the very last year they will fit on this ride. Next year they will both be too tall, I can't believe it!

One more of Miles. I have at least 60 pictures of this guy on the horse, so I'm making the most of it. 

On to the real horses, this was attempt #2 for Nolan to get on the horse. He has consistently been terrified to get on the horse but once the horse starts moving he loves it. Here he is explaining his failed attempt from earlier that day.

But he was successful. And bonus, Corbin's horse in front of him pooped on the trail. They talked about that all the way home.

A quick stop to the petting zoo and the melt downs started. Time to go!

I love Remlinger, we've had great luck there with nice weather and zero crowds. It's so easy for kids this age and we go using groupons so it's a win all around. Unfortunately, Nolan is almost grown out of it and I will really miss bringing him here. Luckily Miles is just getting to the age where he can do everything so I guess we'll start going as a Mommy and Miles outing.

*Miles has Resting Pissed Face, he gets it from Pat. He actually had a great day but it cracks me up watching him look so bored, angry, sad, etc when I know he's really not feeling that way at all. Especially since Nolan is always smiling and chatting about how much fun he is having. In comparison Miles seems extra grumpy but I assure you he is a very happy 3 year old. :)

Miles Turns 3

Miles' birthday was this weekend and we celebrated with a Cookie Monster Bash.

We had a make your own cookie monster cookie bar, the kids seemed to love it as they all had a lovely blue face tint by the end of the day.

Dobry showing off his Cookie Monster
We had all kinds of family and friends there to celebrate. 
And so much trampoline time of course! 

Miles ALMOST figured out the blowing out the candles thing. He took a deep breath and then pushed it all out of his nose. :)

Lots of helpers to open presents. 
And that's all the pictures I took...I KNOW! I am 1 week shy of Summer being over and I am TAPED of all energy. I just couldn't muster the strength to get up and document this day as it should have been, but we had so much fun with everyone. 

On his actual birthday we laid low and spent some quality family time in our pjs. There was lots of cuddling, napping and movie watching. 

And a little lego time too. 

Captain Morgan Lego building?

Since somehow all the cupcakes were eaten (Pat) we had birthday ice cream with chocolate chip cookies and sprinkles. Miles didn't seem to mind.

In fact, this might be the new tradition. He was REALLY enjoying it.

Nolan didn't seem to hate it either.

Since Miles is starting school this Fall, I'm going to start doing his Fun Facts/Questionnaire tied to his first day just like I do Nolan's. It will be so crazy to have 2 kiddos in school this year. And when I say crazy I mean majestic.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


The boys and I headed to Seattle Center for BubbleFest today. It was a perfect 80 degrees and the boys were feeling goofy.

After a few detours we finally found the bubble man and enjoyed a few minutes of the show.

Yeah, then a little girl came and sat next to them with a giant tub of popcorn and that's all I heard about for the next 10 minutes so we left BubbleFest for a Laser Show set to the music of Journey. Miles actually stayed awake for the entire show, a first for him!

That was a hit. Who know the kids knew so many Journey songs? Then it was off to grab lunch and check out the fountains. I've brought the kids here quite a few times and its Nolan's favorite water park in Seattle. Luckily, it was warm enough for a good fountain frolic.

Miles, not so much. Way too spray-y for him, he's more of a splasher. That's OK, he sat next to me to watch Nolan's shenanigans.


A great view of Nolan's new front tooth and his new Summer freckles.

After a while, we went back to the Miles approved fountain.

So happy!

See what I mean about the splashing?

Then this happened...

He jumped right back up and said "I'm OK!" and the boys kept running.

Then the sweetest little dog came over to check out Nolan's balloon puppy.

He named him Moose, Moose was later hit by a car when it flew out of the stroller while we crossed the street. It was quite traumatizing to Nolan.

But the boys had fun, and that's all that matters!