Tuesday, August 4, 2015

iPhone offload: Summer Updates

My phone told me today that it ran out of storage for photos so it's the perfect time to clear off the 932 photos and videos i have on there and do a little update. It doesn't seem like we've been that busy since we've been staying close to home but after clearing off my phone I realized we have been busy after all.

Before Nolan got out of school I took Miles on a mommy and me date to the Science Center. He LOVED the butterfly exhibit. I was worried he would try to crush the butterflies but he was very gentle.

At the Science center he fell asleep AGAIN during the laser show. He's 2 for 2! Maybe I need to get some lasers installed in his room?
Nolan lost another tooth and this was a front tooth! His other one is super loose so there is a chance that he can be toothless this summer.

Pat and I got snazzied up for our anniversary and went to Teatro ZinZanni. We had a great time!

Here we are almost 13 years ago, the year we met.

We traded in the pilot for a highlander. and a few weeks later we sold my first baby (the civic I bought right out of high school) and got pat a sporty little camry. 

Oh adorable bed head!

lots of fun playdates lately.

Nolans farmer themed end of school concert was so sweet!

4 of the 5 bridesmaids and the bride at Rachelle's bridal shower.

so. much. ice. cream.

We adopted a fish and named him Cutie. Miraculously he is still alive. 

My favorite people in my happy place. 

The boys really enjoyed their first real 4th of July fireworks show. I'm so glad they are finally at an age to enjoy these things. 

Nolan is reading all by himself! He likes to read a book to us at story time and then we read a book to him. Plus he loves reading signs, pamphlets and magazines when we are out and about. 

We hosted a backyard movie night and it was so much fun! Of course it was the only day it rained this month but we are Washingtonians, we can handle it!

Still scowling.
trampolines and trucks?! yes please!
Arcade and bowling before the sleepover.
Clementine's visit was such a blast! These two are such hams.

lots of time at Target. It has air conditioning and popcorn, everyone wins. 

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