Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Miles Turns 3

Miles' birthday was this weekend and we celebrated with a Cookie Monster Bash.

We had a make your own cookie monster cookie bar, the kids seemed to love it as they all had a lovely blue face tint by the end of the day.

Dobry showing off his Cookie Monster
We had all kinds of family and friends there to celebrate. 
And so much trampoline time of course! 

Miles ALMOST figured out the blowing out the candles thing. He took a deep breath and then pushed it all out of his nose. :)

Lots of helpers to open presents. 
And that's all the pictures I took...I KNOW! I am 1 week shy of Summer being over and I am TAPED of all energy. I just couldn't muster the strength to get up and document this day as it should have been, but we had so much fun with everyone. 

On his actual birthday we laid low and spent some quality family time in our pjs. There was lots of cuddling, napping and movie watching. 

And a little lego time too. 

Captain Morgan Lego building?

Since somehow all the cupcakes were eaten (Pat) we had birthday ice cream with chocolate chip cookies and sprinkles. Miles didn't seem to mind.

In fact, this might be the new tradition. He was REALLY enjoying it.

Nolan didn't seem to hate it either.

Since Miles is starting school this Fall, I'm going to start doing his Fun Facts/Questionnaire tied to his first day just like I do Nolan's. It will be so crazy to have 2 kiddos in school this year. And when I say crazy I mean majestic.

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