Thursday, September 13, 2012


The day after Miles was born, my mom brought Nolan back home to meet his brother.

He wasn't overly impressed. This was as close as we could get them together.

He actually thought this was his cousin Dutch since the last time he saw him he was about this size. It wasn't until my sister and family came down that Nolan realized that this was another baby, one that was going to stay with us. 

We had a little regression both in the "I'm the baby!" department and the potty training but all has been corrected.

He has since come a long way and now wants to hold Miles all the time. 

Nolan loves to push him in the swing, turn on the music and birds mobile above him and help with diaper changes. We have the occasional requests to put miles down so we can play on the floor with him but he doesn't seem too disappointed when I tell him I have to finish feeding him first. He especially loves to guess why Miles is crying. He's usually right in guessing "he's hungry?" cause all that boy does is eat. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the shot of you and Emily and all of the babes!