Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What's in a Name?

As many of you know we really struggled to come up with a name for this little guy. Pat and I were on completely different pages from the beginning and so we kept pushing it off, hoping that something would come to us when we met him.

It didn't...we still couldn't agree on anything. Pat wanted names like Kyle, Tyler, and Brooks and I wanted Elias, Elliott or Graham.

This un named child became quite the heated subject when my family came to visit and Pat convinced all of them that his name was Gus, they all loved it...I did not. We were also getting texts, phone calls, and Facebook posts full of good but not perfect ideas. It was all getting kind of overwhelming, especially with the deadline approaching to fill our the birth certificate. So we finally narrowed it down to 2 options: Elias Matthew or Miles Alexander.

Miles was in the running when Nolan was born but for some reason hadn't added it to the list this time. We both liked it though, we just had to decide if it fit him. So we slept on it and that night I had a dream about a teen aged Elias who was wimpy and sickly looking. I'm not saying Elias is a wimpy name as I still really like it but I couldn't get that image out of my mind so I agreed that Miles was the way to go. Pat was happy too.

The final decision was made when we gave Nolan the options we were considering. He could say Miles clear as day but Elias he had a hard time. It came out sounding kind of like E-I.

So he was named Miles and it fits him well. Here are a few outtakes from our name announcement since I can't have a post without photos.

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