Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How We Spend Our Days

 Our days are pretty much the same, we've almost developed a routine. Mostly we sleep,

then eat,

then sleep some more.

Oh how I love this newborn phase! He is a great sleeper as long as he's being held or nursed but of course neither of these positions allow me to get much done. I try putting him down but this usually results in a much shorter nap and a very crabby baby. Like right now when I was able to get one post loaded and posted before he woke up, so now I'm typing with one hand while he sleeps on my shoulder. 
He is quite possibly the noisiest sleeper I've ever heard. He laughs, grunts, snores, squeals, cries and gags in his sleep. The last two are loud enough to wake me from a dead sleep to make sure he's OK. I thought babies sleep was supposed to be peaceful?
I actually have been snuggling this little guy as much as possible (as shown in my lack of blogging) since I know all too well how quickly he will grow out of his cuddly, squishy newborn-ness. So even though I have at least 4 more posts worth of pictures and updates, I'm off to cuddle. :)

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